Arc of Cumberland County
Supported Employment Services
Phase 2 – Intensive Coaching
Congratulations, you have just been offered the job that you recently interviewed for at a business and location of your choice! Your Arc employment specialist assisted you in identifying the employer, helped you figure out how you would get to the job if it was offered, and did practice interviews with you right up until the real one. The employment specialist even took you to the interview. Now what?
You are now in the Intensive Coaching phase of supported employment. You will continue to work with the same employment specialist that helped you get your job but the nature of your services will change to some extent because now that you got the job, the immediate goal is to keep it. Here is an idea of what to expect from your Arc of Cumberland County employment specialist in this phase (as well as what he or she will expect from you).
- You will be expected to meet all of the basic requirements of the employer. That means proper grooming at all times, wearing a clean uniform if one is needed for your job, getting to work on time, etc. We will help you to access and follow your schedule and assist in other areas that may require technology that is not familiar to you.
- You will see your Arc employment specialist more frequently during this phase. There is a lot for you to learn at your new job right away, so it is not uncommon for us to spend the entire first day of employment with a consumer. You will see us a lot at the work site during the first month of your employment until you and your employer agree that our frequent presence is no longer needed.
- You and your Arc employment specialist will develop a revised individual service plan that will detail your specific goals for your new employment and the things that you and your employment specialist will be doing to help make your new job is a successful one. This plan will be reviewed and revised as needed by you and your Arc of Cumberland County employment specialist.
- Your Soft Skills Training will continue in this phase because it focuses so much on appropriate communication skills which are critical on a new job site. People that are successful in their job know how to communicate with their supervisors, their co-workers, and – if necessary – their customers. Employees that do not communicate well usually don’t last long as employees.